Um Cabo-verdiano pelo Mundo e um apanhado de factos e sentimentos vividos pelo autor que, tendo nascido no Paul, Santo Antao, Cabo Verde, chegou a idade da reforma nos seus servicos e vivencias atraves dos tempos, nos Estados Unidos da America. Durante a sua vida ensinou em varios continentes contactando assim com varios povos e culturas procurando sempre dar o seu melhor nao so atraves do ensino como tambem nas comunidades onde exercia as suas funcoes. Hoje revive com alegria e tambem com muita saudade tudo o que encontrou, tudo o que viu, tudo o que fez nunca esquecendo as pessoas que pelo...
Um Cabo-verdiano pelo Mundo e um apanhado de factos e sentimentos vividos pelo autor que, tendo nascido no Paul, Santo Antao, Cabo Verde, chegou a ida...
Sudoku Solucoes reveals and teaches ingenious mathematical models for solutions to the global games Sudoku. Written by world-renowned mathematician Dr.Salazar Ferro, this book is a must read for both Sudoku lovers as well as mathematical enthusiasts. This concise yet thorough book is both a tutorial as well as descriptive workbook on approaching Sudoku from a mathematical analysis perspective that rivals any other in its class.
Sudoku Solucoes reveals and teaches ingenious mathematical models for solutions to the global games Sudoku. Written by world-renowned mathematician Dr...
This is the most mathematically up-to-date manual on solving the Sudoku puzzle quickly and easily. Not only a great learning experience, but also fun to read! A true gift to the lovers of the game from one of the most authoritative mathematical professors of the last century, this book will have you looking at Sudoku from a completely different and revolutionary light!
This is the most mathematically up-to-date manual on solving the Sudoku puzzle quickly and easily. Not only a great learning experience, but also fun ...