Sometimes things just don't add up. Using positive reinforcement to train a dog can be a fun, rewarding, and successful endeavor.... until a cat saunters into the room. Using food to redirect Buster's attention away from Miss Kitty is often recommended, and as often it fails to diminish Buster's fascination with felines. When Cat = 100 and Hotdog = 4, there's little chance that the dog will simply take his focus off kitty, especially if he's not hungry. In DOG ALGEBRA, Tammie Rogers solves the equation by offering a simple, straightforward, natural, and effective way to overcome training...
Sometimes things just don't add up. Using positive reinforcement to train a dog can be a fun, rewarding, and successful endeavor.... until a cat saunt...
Candid, thought-provoking and inspiring, this is a captivating, true life adventure all packaged in a fast-paced, don't-want-to-put-it-down story. The Sweet Scent of Hay chronicles the life of a woman who moved fearlessly through life in her agnostic-scientist's garb neither needing nor searching for more meaning, spirituality or the divine. But, it found her anyway. When a life altering event challenges Rogers to depart from her well-defined, independent, and structured path she is compelled to accept that not everything that is real can be proven. With uncompromising honesty, Rogers tells...
Candid, thought-provoking and inspiring, this is a captivating, true life adventure all packaged in a fast-paced, don't-want-to-put-it-down story. The...
Persimmon the cat dies and Nicole is very sad. Her friend, Chartreus the Mouse helps her to see all the beautiful things in nature that can help her remember Persimmon - things like the way that the sound of wind rushing through a willow tree is similar to the swooshing sound Persimmon made when playing in the tall grass.
Persimmon the cat dies and Nicole is very sad. Her friend, Chartreus the Mouse helps her to see all the beautiful things in nature that can help her r...