"Everyday I Ball" is the debut novel from accomplished music industry pro Michael Sanders. In it, we follow the boggling double-lives of two high school student-athletes named Razah and Mizz. On the outside, the two boys appear to epitomize the high school dreams of book smarts, athletic prowess and popularity. There are darker forces at work however, as the two young men find themselves pressured by their unrelenting and heartbreaking inner-city environment. As the pages turn, Razah and Mizz learn to apply their wits and charisma to a series of dastardly deeds, deception and even a high-tech...
"Everyday I Ball" is the debut novel from accomplished music industry pro Michael Sanders. In it, we follow the boggling double-lives of two high scho...
Downsizings are becoming more the common occurrence rather than the exception. This book presents seven critical mistakes employees make in the face of possible job loss. All seven can be prevented and even reversed with a bit of tactical and strategic thinking. Use the recommended power moves to not only save your job, but make you more marketable outside the organization. And "outside" may be a better place for you in the end. Your ultimate goal is to become your own "Superhero" and position yourself to ride the downsizing wave rather than go under. The bottom line is "refuse to be a...
Downsizings are becoming more the common occurrence rather than the exception. This book presents seven critical mistakes employees make in the face o...