ERLEUCHTUNG DURCH DEN PFAD DER KUNDALINI ist fur alle, die mehr uber das mysteriose Phanomen der Kundalini erfahren mochten, welches zum Gipfel der menschlichen Entwicklung fuhrt - der Erleuchtung. Dieses Buch ist gleichermassen fur alle Menschen, die durch eine unfreiwillige Kundalini-Erweckung gehen und nach Hilfe suchen, um ihre Symptome zu uberwinden und das Beste aus diesem Erlebnis zu machen. Aus dem Inhalt: Wie man sich durch eine Kundalini-Erweckung verandert; wie man die Kundalini sicher und langsam erweckt; wie man schwierige Symptome des Kundalini-Syndroms uberwindet; wie man die...
ERLEUCHTUNG DURCH DEN PFAD DER KUNDALINI ist fur alle, die mehr uber das mysteriose Phanomen der Kundalini erfahren mochten, welches zum Gipfel der me...
ADVANCED MANIFESTINGreveals powerful Tibetan Buddhist practices to use the law of attraction and manifest your dreams. These techniques are highly effective and cannot be found in any other book about manifesting. From the Content: Discover how to focus on your wishes so that they will definitely bring happiness for yourself and others, learn how to clear out your unconscious mind from 'inner saboteurs' and align all your subpersonalities, find out about the 'emotional goal-vibration' and how to utilize it to manifest your wish, learn about the most important attitude of mind that will make...
ADVANCED MANIFESTINGreveals powerful Tibetan Buddhist practices to use the law of attraction and manifest your dreams. These techniques are highly eff...
ENLIGHTENMENT THROUGH THE PATH OF KUNDALINI is written for everybody who wants to learn about the mysterious phenomenon of kundalini and use it to reach the pinnacle of human development - enlightenment. The book is equally written for those who are going through an involuntary awakening and seeking help to alleviate their symptoms and make the best of this event. You will learn: What is kundalini and how does it help to reach enlightenment How we change through a kundalini awakening How to awaken the kundalini safely and slowly How to overcome possible difficult symptoms in the process How...
ENLIGHTENMENT THROUGH THE PATH OF KUNDALINI is written for everybody who wants to learn about the mysterious phenomenon of kundalini and use it to rea...
THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN describes nine clearly defined stages of consciousness, which explain the development of each person starting from dreamlike unawareness to full enlightenment. This groundbreaking book combines Tibetan Buddhist teachings with insights from transpersonal psychotherapy to offer a full understanding of people's psychological, mental and spiritual development. You will learn: To recognise nine clearly defined stages of consciousness in yourself and everybody else, how people's sense of self, their world view, their values and all their behaviours radically change at each...
THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN describes nine clearly defined stages of consciousness, which explain the development of each person starting from dreamlike un...
Seven Golden Keys for Love, Success and Happiness Buddhist Advice for Creating the Life You Really Want In this book psychotherapist and Buddhist teacher Tara Springett explains how to develop on your spiritual path, leave old hurts behind and manifest your dreams - all at the same time. You will learn: How to access your divine nature and experience timeless bliss and wisdom The secret formula for manifesting your dreams without sacrificing your spiritual values How to be happy, no matter what is going on in your life How to let go from all past and present hurts and find deepest fulfilment...
Seven Golden Keys for Love, Success and Happiness Buddhist Advice for Creating the Life You Really Want In this book psychotherapist and Buddhist teac...
Spiritual Joy - The Buddhist Dzogchen Path to Enlightenment by Tara Springett In this groundbreaking and uplifting book Tibetan Buddhist teacher Tara Springett reveals how you can access and rest in the state of spiritual joy through the Buddhist practice of Dzogchen. This is the fastest way to reach enlightenment. This ancient Tibetan Buddhist approach is presented without any jargon or cultural overlay. Simple and straightforward, Tara recounts how she herself was introduced to this amazing state of mind and how you too can experience the same. You will learn that spiritual joy is the...
Spiritual Joy - The Buddhist Dzogchen Path to Enlightenment by Tara Springett In this groundbreaking and uplifting book Tibetan Buddhist teacher Tara ...
Julia is 35, single and trying very hard to be happy that way. One day she meets Jane, an old lady in a small palm-reading shop who predicts a happy marriage for her. Jane also promises to transform Julia into a beautiful swan if she is willing to follow her teachings to the letter. Against Julia's wishes, her desire to meet her soulmate reawakens amid a flurry of inner resistance and conflicting feelings. After all, none of Julia's friends has a happy relationship and they all agree that all the 'good men' have long been taken. Julia's confusion becomes even greater when she tries to...
Julia is 35, single and trying very hard to be happy that way. One day she meets Jane, an old lady in a small palm-reading shop who predicts a happy m...
The Happy Eating Approach - Buddhist advice on happy eating for optimal health and weight In this well-researched book, Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist Tara Springett applies time honoured Buddhist wisdom to the topic of diet, weight loss and healthy eating. By using the advice described in this book many people will find that they can suddenly make peace with their body image, lose weight, eat healthier and feel all round better with themselves and their body. From the content: Learn how to make your own body the ultimate diet guru instead of getting confused by contradictory diet...
The Happy Eating Approach - Buddhist advice on happy eating for optimal health and weight In this well-researched book, Buddhist teacher and psychothe...
SO MACHT MAN TRAUME WAHR beschreibt kraftvolle, tibetisch-buddhistische Methoden, um das Gesetz der Anziehung zu nutzen und damit unsere Traume zu verwirklichen. Diese Techniken sind sehr effektiv und konnen in keinem anderen Buch uber die Erfullung von Wunschen gefunden werden. Aus dem Inhalt: Entdecke, wie man sich auf Wunsche konzentriert, die definitiv Gluck bringen. Befreie den unbewussten Geist von 'inneren Saboteuren' und harmonisiere alle Unterpersonlichkeiten. Nutze die 'emotionale Zielvibration', um Wunsche zu materialisieren. Erlerne die wichtigste Geisteshaltung, die sicherstellt,...
SO MACHT MAN TRAUME WAHR beschreibt kraftvolle, tibetisch-buddhistische Methoden, um das Gesetz der Anziehung zu nutzen und damit unsere Traume zu ver...