In the years after Hurricane Katrina, the lives of New Orleans guitarists Joe Applebalm and Jerry Elsworth follow wildly divergent paths. They both end up in New York, but while the success of Jerry's memoir 'Hometown Heroes'-and the subsequent TV show based on the book-brings him fame, fortune, and a life of luxury, Joe, wondering bitterly where he went wrong, languishes in day-job oblivion. Over a drunken night back in New Orleans the two are brought together, and strange forces attempt to influence their fates... But who are Joe and Jerry? How did things turn out so differently for two...
In the years after Hurricane Katrina, the lives of New Orleans guitarists Joe Applebalm and Jerry Elsworth follow wildly divergent paths. They both en...
Annalee Everly was a talented jazz guitarist who rose up and flamed out, leaving a trail of obsession in her wake. Her story is told from four different perspectives: two from old lovers, one from her own e-diary, and one from a critic who is attempting a biography. But which is the real Annalee? In the end, we are left guessing, despite the valiant attempts of her admirers and detractors to make sense of her.
Annalee Everly was a talented jazz guitarist who rose up and flamed out, leaving a trail of obsession in her wake. Her story is told from four differe...