Im Jahre 1912 veroffentlichte W. GERLACH 1] die Arbeit: "Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Strahlung in absolutem Ma und die Konstante des STEFAN-BOLTZMANN'schen Gesetzes." Zum Zeitpunkt ihres Erscheinens lag die besondere Bedeutung dieser Arbeit in der experimentellen Bestimmung 4 der Konstanten im STEFAN-BOLTZMANN'schen Gesetz s= . T . Gegenwartig dagegen hat das Verfahren, eine Strahlung im absoluten Ma zu bestimmen, durch die wachsende, praktische und gezielte Anwendung der Ultrarotstrah- lung besonders an Bedeutung gewonnen. Dem von PASCHEN angegebenen Meverfahren liegt folgendes Prinzip...
Im Jahre 1912 veroffentlichte W. GERLACH 1] die Arbeit: "Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Strahlung in absolutem Ma und die Konstante des STEFAN-BOLTZ...
This volume comprehensively covers a range of issues related to dynamic norm change in the current major international arms control regimes related to nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons; small arms and light weapons; cluster munitions; and antipersonnel mines. Arms control policies of all of the key established and rising state actors are considered, as well as those of nonaligned countries, nongovernmental organizations, and international governing bodies.
Recent studies on multilateral arms control tend to focus mostly on "structure," by which opportunities and constraints...
This volume comprehensively covers a range of issues related to dynamic norm change in the current major international arms control regimes related...
This volume comprehensively covers a range of issues related to dynamic norm change in the current major international arms control regimes related to nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons; small arms and light weapons; cluster munitions; and antipersonnel mines. Arms control policies of all of the key established and rising state actors are considered, as well as those of nonaligned countries, nongovernmental organizations, and international governing bodies.
Recent studies on multilateral arms control tend to focus mostly on "structure," by which opportunities and constraints...
This volume comprehensively covers a range of issues related to dynamic norm change in the current major international arms control regimes related...
Die -Schriften des Historischen Kollegs- werden herausgegeben vom jeweiligen Vorsitzenden des Kuratoriums des Historischen Kollegs: bis 2011 von Herrn Professor Dr. Lothar Gall, ab 2012 durch Herrn Professor Dr. Andreas Wirsching in Verbindung mit Georg Brun, Peter Funke, Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, Hartmut Leppin, Susanne Lepsius, Helmut Neuhaus, Frank Rexroth, Martin Schulze Wessel, Willibald Steinmetz und Gerrit Walther. Zum Historischen Kolleg: http: //
Die -Schriften des Historischen Kollegs- werden herausgegeben vom jeweiligen Vorsitzenden des Kuratoriums des Historischen Kollegs: bis 2011 von Herrn...
Great-power conflict and great-power war are still the most dangerous risks the international community is facing today. This edited volume investigates the feasibility of a modern day concert of powers as a way for managing the risk of great power conflicts in the 21st century. The volume takes its inspiration from history.
The 19th century European Concert was not only able to ensure a period of exceptional peacefulness among the European great powers, it also limited the scope and duration of the few wars that did break out. The chapter authors discuss the achievements and...
Great-power conflict and great-power war are still the most dangerous risks the international community is facing today. This edited volume investi...