British prime minister Thornton Wingate loves the ginmonger's slattern, and hates everybody else. His aunt, Lady Anne Throppe, loves Lady Anne Throppe, and hates everybody else. Frank Slaughter loves France, and hates philistines. French president, Valery Discard d'Istaing, hates Duluth. U.S. president, Kenny Bunkport, loves marshmallows, and hates spinach. The last Dane on Earth, Ole Olafson loves collecting comic books-and decidedly does not love Lars Larson. Lars loves God, and God doesn't like Lars much-but he does love fishing.
These passions play out on a world stage, in the past,...
British prime minister Thornton Wingate loves the ginmonger's slattern, and hates everybody else. His aunt, Lady Anne Throppe, loves Lady Anne Throppe...