Someone once said that all they would find there was darkness that swallowed everything whole. But that never meant that light was nowhere to be found-- They finally arrive at an answer to the question of how to save their world. It is the product of many months, even years. Cruel yet kind, it is a simple formula. Now, led on by the cogs of destiny, it spells the end of but one if it were no more than a ridiculous fairy tale.
Someone once said that all they would find there was darkness that swallowed everything whole. But that never meant that light was nowhere to be found...
Rumors revolving around The Book of Vanitas, a clockwork grimoire of dubious reputation, draw Noe, a young vampire in search of a friend's salvation, to Paris. What awaits him in the City of Flowers, however, is not long hours treading the pavement or rifling through dusty bookshops in search of the tome. Instead, his quarry comes to the arms of a man claiming to be a vampire doctor Thrust into a conflict that threatens the peace between humans and vampires, will Noe cast in his lot with the curious and slightly unbalanced Vanitas and his quest to save vampirekind?"
Rumors revolving around The Book of Vanitas, a clockwork grimoire of dubious reputation, draw Noe, a young vampire in search of a friend's salvation, ...
Now installed at a hotel in Paris with the help of Count Orlok, No? and Vanitas take their awkward partnership on the a vampire masquerade ball The order of the evening may be small talk and hobnobbing with fellow guests, but the mystery of the curse-bearers is never far behind. Intrigue swirls as quickly as the dancers twirl, a blue moon ascends over the guests...and all hell breaks loose
Now installed at a hotel in Paris with the help of Count Orlok, No? and Vanitas take their awkward partnership on the a vampire masquerade b...