Hegyi reflects on his adventurous life from his days as a freedom fighter in the 1956 Hungarian student revolution to entering college as a high-school dropout and earning two college degrees to leading expeditions to the Amazonian rain forests to battling prostate cancer.
Hegyi reflects on his adventurous life from his days as a freedom fighter in the 1956 Hungarian student revolution to entering college as a high-schoo...
Renowned author Hegyi offers a lighthearted insight on current events of religion, politics, and life. From living in communism, escaping a country in conflict, and leading a full career in the public service and private sector, he writes on the subjects that touch him the most.
Renowned author Hegyi offers a lighthearted insight on current events of religion, politics, and life. From living in communism, escaping a country in...
Facts and details about cancer in its many forms are readily available. What is not that available is true, unvarnished insight into what goes on behind the scenes, behind the outer faade. What goes through peoples' minds when they get the shattering news? This work addresses these issues.
Facts and details about cancer in its many forms are readily available. What is not that available is true, unvarnished insight into what goes on behi...
The author had to flee Hungary because he was part of the 1956 revolution. He managed to get a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees and travel around the world, living on the stories he heard from his grandfather. He is a high tech scientist and author. He worked up to be a Director in Government and a President in the private sector. He was a key note speaker for many conferences. It was an extraordinary life.
The author had to flee Hungary because he was part of the 1956 revolution. He managed to get a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees and travel around the world, li...
Nagyapa sohasem jart 100 km-nel tavolabbra a falutol. Sohasem volt moziban, de olvasott nehany konyvet, and beleertve a Bibliat is. Minden nap elolvasta az ujsagot es alkalmankent a divatos szines magazinokban szerepl kepeket nezegette, amelyek a nagyobb varosokat, kulonosen Becset mutattak be. A nagyvilagrol alkotott elkepzelese ezekb l a kepekb l allt ossze. Nem meglep, hogy harom eves koromban Nagypapatol megihletve, miutan anyukam osszeszidott, nemi elelmet raktam egy kosarba es vilagga mentem. Falusi papunk, aki amat r fotografus volt, es mindig magaval cipelte a fenykepez gepet, latta...
Nagyapa sohasem jart 100 km-nel tavolabbra a falutol. Sohasem volt moziban, de olvasott nehany konyvet, and beleertve a Bibliat is. Minden nap elolvas...
My great-great grandfather, a Hungarian nobleman, visited the Hapsburg Castle on many occasions. The Estate in western Hungary and it was about 150 kilometers to the north-west to Vienna. He joined the 1848 revolution and was killed as a member of the Hungarian patriarchy. His estate was confiscated and my great grandfather was brought up as a citizen in Szemegye, Vas megye. My grandfather tried to rebuild the family fortune and succeeded to a certain aspect but my father lost it in 1952 as part of the collectivisation. My Uncle IstvAn was impsioned for 5 years because he crossed the...
My great-great grandfather, a Hungarian nobleman, visited the Hapsburg Castle on many occasions. The Estate in western Hungary and it was about 150...
Am 19. Februar 2011 war ich zu Hause und erwartete meine Tochter, zu einem gemeinsamen Fruhstuck zu uns heruber zukommen. Es war der Tag vor dem 8. Geburtstag meines Enkels; nachdem Fruhstuck, planten wir, sein Geburtstagsgeschenk zu kaufen. Wahrend der Mahlzeit fiel meiner Tochter auf, dass ich mit einem aggressiven Gesichtsausdruck ins Tagesblatt schaue. Sie fragte mich, was los sei, aber ich antwortete nicht; ich starrte nur mit einem leeren Gefuhl vor mich hin. Meine Tochter Jennifer sprang zu mir, um mich zu unterstutzen und ich verliess allmahlich diese Welt. Meine Gattin, Rose half...
Am 19. Februar 2011 war ich zu Hause und erwartete meine Tochter, zu einem gemeinsamen Fruhstuck zu uns heruber zukommen. Es war der Tag vor dem 8. Ge...