In the book "The Paradigm, or Tale? Of Evolution," the author, a Chemical Engineer, ex-atheist and now a Christian Pastor, presents the results of serious scientific researches on the subject of the origin of the universe and life. He demonstrate that the "Millions of Years" and the complexity of the subject of evolution is only a subtle and dangerous maneuver to divert the human attention of the true crucial point over the existence of the universe. He also reveals that in school, our children receive an INDOCTRINATION that makes them become atheists. As he says: "Could it have been a Wise,...
In the book "The Paradigm, or Tale? Of Evolution," the author, a Chemical Engineer, ex-atheist and now a Christian Pastor, presents the results of ser...
El autor, Ingeniero Quimico y ex-ateo, presenta los resultados de serias investigaciones cientificas sobre el tema del origen del universo y de la vida. Demuestra que hay una gran contradiccion entre los que hoy en dia solo quieren hablar de razon y logica como las unicas bases de conocimiento, y rechazan los asuntos de fe porque no se pueden razonar; aunque ironicamente sin embargo, su razonamiento requiera un grado mayor de fe que el que poseen los religiosos. Presenta contundentes pruebas cientificas que contradicen totalmente la tristemente famosa "teoria de la evolucion" Declara que el...
El autor, Ingeniero Quimico y ex-ateo, presenta los resultados de serias investigaciones cientificas sobre el tema del origen del universo y de la vid...
La tematica tratada en este estudio es de extrema importancia para el cristianismo, porque expone la sutil maniobra de personas que se introducen en las iglesias cristianas con el pretexto de ensenar sobre la cultura judia... pero al final lo que hacen es confundir a hermanos ingenuos con la consecuencia de hacerlos caer de la gracia al incitarlos a dejar de confiar en los meritos de Jesucristo, buscando ser justificados en las obras de la ley."
La tematica tratada en este estudio es de extrema importancia para el cristianismo, porque expone la sutil maniobra de personas que se introducen en l...
The main theme of this book is of extreme importance for Christian believers today. There is a subtle attempt by false teachers to enter churches and lead astray the faithful, under the guise of teaching Jewish culture. In many instances they have confused brethren lacking a solid foundation and as a consequence some have unwittingly rejected the grace of God manifested thru Jesus Christ; seeking justification thru the works of the law.
The main theme of this book is of extreme importance for Christian believers today. There is a subtle attempt by false teachers to enter churches and ...
En el libro "El Eslabon Perdido - en la Teologia," el autor, pastor cristiano, examina las causas por las cuales existen tantas divisiones dentro del cristianismo; y presenta de una manera sencilla y amena, un analisis profundo de algunos temas muy conflictivos que nos llevan a entender mucho mejor el tema de la salvacion. Tambien nos hace discernir aquella nueva "Tradicion" que ha corrompido el mensaje cristiano. Entre las preguntas que se analizan, estan: Que ha pasado con el cristianismo? Por que parece que las ensenanzas de la Biblia han perdido fuerza en esta generacion? Que sucedera a...
En el libro "El Eslabon Perdido - en la Teologia," el autor, pastor cristiano, examina las causas por las cuales existen tantas divisiones dentro del ...
GOD has warned of a new form of "Tradition" that has supplanted the truth. It is a tradition so deeply rooted that is it difficult to speak or think on it without associating this as established truth. It is a tradition that is surely the result of a powerful, deceptive satanic strategy that has affected and discredited Christianity to the degree that today we have very little credibility in a lost and needy world. THESE QUESTIONS: - What happens to a person that dies without receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, if the message of salvation has not been heard by him? Will...
GOD has warned of a new form of "Tradition" that has supplanted the truth. It is a tradition so deeply rooted that is it difficult to speak or think o...