Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, die Schriften "Uber Traume" (, De insomniis') und "Uber die Weissagung im Schlaf" (, De divinatione per somnum') des Aristoteles durch eine moglichst getreue deutsche Ubersetzung und einen eingehenden textanalytischen Kommentar zu erklaren; die Stellung der Schriften im Gesamtwerk des Aristoteles zu bestimmen und zu untersuchen, was sich aus ihnen fur unser Verstandnis von Aristoteles' Psychologie im allgemeinen gewinnen lat; und die Leistung der aristotelischen Traumtheorie im Verhaltnis zu den Ansichten seiner Vorganger und Zeitgenossen zu...
Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, die Schriften "Uber Traume" (, De insomniis') und "Uber die Weissagung im Schlaf" (, De divinatione p...
This text by Philoponus, the sixth-century commentator on Aristotle, is notable for its informative introduction to psychology, which tells us the views of Philoponus, of his teacher and of later Neoplatonists on our psychological capacities and on mind-body relations. There is an unusual account of how reason can infer a universally valid conclusion from a single instance, and there are inherited views on the roles of intellect and perception in concept formation, and on the human ability to make reasoned decisions, celebrated by Aristotle, but here downgraded. Philoponus attacks Galen's...
This text by Philoponus, the sixth-century commentator on Aristotle, is notable for its informative introduction to psychology, which tells us the ...
Until the launch of this series over fifteen years ago, the 15,000 volumes of the ancient Greek commentators on Aristotle, written mainly between 200 and 600 AD, constituted the largest corpus of extant Greek philosophical writings not translated into English or other European languages. Over 40 volumes have now appeared in the series, which is planned in some 80 volumes altogether. This text by Philoponus rejects accounts of soul, or as we would say of mind, which define it as moving, as cognitive, or in physical terms. Chapter 3 considers Aristotle's attack on the idea that the soul is...
Until the launch of this series over fifteen years ago, the 15,000 volumes of the ancient Greek commentators on Aristotle, written mainly between 2...