This is the first English language biography of John A. Mackay (1889-1983), an important Presbyterian leader, missionary, and professor who served as president of Princeton Theological Seminary from 1936 to 1959. As president, he rebuilt the seminary faculty after the split in 1927. His ecumenical vision opened Princeton to a wider ecumenical stance and, under his leadership, the seminary prospered as a leading Protestant theological institution. Mackay was a leading ecumenist for much of the twentieth century and helped establish the World Council of Churches. He also founded Theology...
This is the first English language biography of John A. Mackay (1889-1983), an important Presbyterian leader, missionary, and professor who served ...
John Metzger s book, God in Eclipse: God Has Not Always Been Silent, is a totally unique study for the inquiring lay person, Jewish or Christian, who wants to know the God of the Hebrew Scriptures. It is written particularly to Jewish people who have not been trained in the Scriptures and who wonder why the God of the Old Testament is silent to them. The author walks both Jewish and Christian readers on all spiritual levels through the Hebrew Scriptures into the New Testament to see a consistent picture of what God wants us to know about Himself."
John Metzger s book, God in Eclipse: God Has Not Always Been Silent, is a totally unique study for the inquiring lay person, Jewish or Christian, who ...