This book considers neopopulism as a central issue to understand patterns of women's citizenship construction in many countries of contemporary Latin America. It alsoexplains the paradoxes entailed for women's participation and citizenship rights."
This book considers neopopulism as a central issue to understand patterns of women's citizenship construction in many countries of contemporary Latin ...
Aunque hoy la idea del reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural, sobre todo en relacion a las poblaciones originarias de America Latina, parezca obvia en su realidad y potencialidad, debemos recordar que durante la transicion democratica de los anos ochenta se imponia aun la vision de naciones homogeneas. Se ocultaban asi las fracturas que subyacen al principio nacional, igualador abstracto y negador concreto de asimetrias de clase, genero y etnicidad? Por supuesto, y tales injusticias basicas persistian desde el nacimiento mismo de los Estados, escapando, decada tras decada, a la atencion de...
Aunque hoy la idea del reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural, sobre todo en relacion a las poblaciones originarias de America Latina, parezca obvia...
This book presents a comparative analysis of the organizing trajectories of indigenous women's movements in Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia. The authors' innovative research reveals how the articulation of gender and ethnicity is central to shape indigenous women's discourses. It explores the political contexts and internal dynamics of indigenous movements, to show that they created different opportunities for women to organize and voice specific demands. This, in turn, led to various forms of organizational autonomy for women involved in indigenous movements. The trajectories vary from the...
This book presents a comparative analysis of the organizing trajectories of indigenous women's movements in Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia. The authors' in...
A comprehensive guide to dogs in the workplace. Uniquely, this book gives insight from the dog's perspective, whilst also providing plenty of practical advice for making your dog a success in the office! It takes you through the entire process, from gaining the support of your colleagues to policy considerations for the employer.
A comprehensive guide to dogs in the workplace. Uniquely, this book gives insight from the dog's perspective, whilst also providing plenty of practica...