John Clancy / 3m, 2f Fatboy is a brutal comedy inspired by Alfred Jarry's Ubu Roi. This satire on modern America's insatiable appetites--from gobbling up 72oz. steaks to small nations--is presented as a live-action Punch and Judy show. In this fast-moving, shocking, profane, dead-on, funhouse mirror reflection of the world today, the brutish allegory known as Fatboy, along with his monstrous wife, Queen Fudgie the First, stands trial for war crimes. Despite overwhelming evidence the court refuses to convict and succumbs to Fatboy's "persuasive" tactics. "Brazen...daring...highly...
John Clancy / 3m, 2f Fatboy is a brutal comedy inspired by Alfred Jarry's Ubu Roi. This satire on modern America's insatiable appetites--from gobbling...
This popular and useful text has been completely revised and up-dated so that it forms and indipensible handbook for any student of surveying. An additional chapter on modern developments is included and the text has also been extended to cover ordnance survey; calculation of areas; computation of true horizontal length; measurement of vertical angles; Code of Measuring Practice; curve ranging and calculations of volumes for earthworks.
This popular and useful text has been completely revised and up-dated so that it forms and indipensible handbook for any student of surveying. An add...