This work is for the benefit of the modern skeptic that is open to possibly re-thinking their position and for Christians who have friends and family looking for a rational way out of their unbelief.
The book starts with the indisputable: someday you are going to die. The question is, what's next? Since one's eternal state is forever, the thoughtful person should seek to obtain the best possible outcome.
At one time religious traditions informed us about our fate, but the secular person has been cut off from traditional answers. One is left with the nihilism of scientific materialism...
This work is for the benefit of the modern skeptic that is open to possibly re-thinking their position and for Christians who have friends and fami...
Paul Ernst hat eine kurzweilige Beschreibung des Harzes verfasst. Er stellt die Region und ihre verschiedenen Gebiete vor und gibt einen kurzen geschichtlichen Uberblick, bevor er zu einem Spaziergang einladt. Ein Blick auf und vom Brocken, dem bekanntesten Berg des Harzes, darf hierbei genauso wenig fehlen wie eine Einkehr in eine Bergmannstube. Sorgfaltig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1900.
Paul Ernst hat eine kurzweilige Beschreibung des Harzes verfasst. Er stellt die Region und ihre verschiedenen Gebiete vor und gibt einen kurzen geschi...
The Anthology of Sci-Fi V28 is a collection of eight Sci-fi stories from two of the best writers of the past century. Included are: The Planet of Dread By R. F. Starzl, The World Behind the Moon By Paul Ernst, The Earthmans Burden By R. F. Starzl, If The Sun Died By R. F. Starzl, In the Orbit of Saturn By R. F. Starzl, The Planetoid of Peril By Paul Ernst, The Radiant Shell By Paul Ernst, Mask of Death By Paul Ernst.
The Anthology of Sci-Fi V28 is a collection of eight Sci-fi stories from two of the best writers of the past century. Included are: The Planet of...
Armed with splinters of steel, two ant-sized men dare the formidable mysteries of a termitary. The Raid on the Termites a fun adventure filled story reminiscent of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells. Paul Frederick Ernst was an American pulp fiction writer best known as the author of the original 24 "Avenger" novels.
Armed with splinters of steel, two ant-sized men dare the formidable mysteries of a termitary. The Raid on the Termites a fun adventure filled sto...