Veganize Any Recipe with Confidence The Complete Guide to Vegan Food Substitutions is your secret weapon to turning any recipe imaginable into a deliciously "veganized" success-no guesswork or hard labor involved. And no more kitchen failures or recipe flops either. Simply look up whatever non-vegan ingredient you want to sub out, and expert author team Celine Steen and Joni Marie Newman will explain exactly what substitution is best to use and how to make it without compromising taste or flavor, so you'll create dishes that are not only better than the "real" thing, but healthier, too. With...
Veganize Any Recipe with Confidence The Complete Guide to Vegan Food Substitutions is your secret weapon to turning any recipe imaginable into a deli...
Backen ohne Ei? Cheeseburger ohne Fleisch und Käse? Pudding ohne Milch? Vegan kochen ist mehr als nur ein Kochbuch für Veganer. Es bietet das Handwerkszeug, um jedes erdenkliche Rezept ohne großen Aufwand zu "veganisieren". Einfach die tierischen Zutaten identifizieren, eine der vorgeschlagenen Alternativen auswählen und loskochen! §Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen erleichtern das Ersetzten von Gelatine, Butter, Speck oder Käse. Es wird aber auch gezeigt, wie Sie ohne großen Aufwand Grundzutaten wie Sauerrahm, Mayonnaise oder Schokolade selbst herstellen können - vegan, versteht sich....
Backen ohne Ei? Cheeseburger ohne Fleisch und Käse? Pudding ohne Milch? Vegan kochen ist mehr als nur ein Kochbuch für Veganer. Es bietet das Handwe...
"How do you get your protein?" As a vegan, you're sure to get asked this question often. Most likely, you've even thought about it yourself. Vegan protein comes from things like tofu and tempeh, to beans, nuts, and protein-rich whole grains like quinoa. There are loads of options out there, but how to prepare them? What to put them in? These are questions that can feel daunting, especially if you haven't used these ingredients before. Never fear, Celine Steen and Tamasin Noyes to the rescue The Great Vegan Protein Book takes you step-by-step through each protein-rich vegan food group,...
"How do you get your protein?" As a vegan, you're sure to get asked this question often. Most likely, you've even thought about it yourself. Vegan pro...