Christmas Tails is a delightful story, beautifully illustrated by Vanessa Knight, of a needy family of squirrels who are kicked out of their village, because of their tattered clothes and nests. Abandoned and in search of friends to accept them, they travel many roads of rebuilding their lives and befriending a new village of friends. Thus the story begins! Their enemies never far away. One in particular...The evil Witch of the forest!
Christmas Tails is a delightful story, beautifully illustrated by Vanessa Knight, of a needy family of squirrels who are kicked out of their village, ...
Is it true that no two snowflakes are exactly alike? Phina and Bella aren't so sure: They are often mistaken for one another However, a chance encounter shows them just how unique and special they really are. Whether you're young or old, have twins or not, this frosty tale is sure to melt your heart.
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Is it true that no two snowflakes are exactly alike? Phina and Bella aren't so sure: They are often mistaken for one another However, a chance encoun...