Named for an ancient female figure of primordial mystery, Black Moon Lilith is an astronomical point intimately connected to the Earth-Moon system. In these times of expanding ecological and cosmological awareness, the Black Moon offers a spacious field of investigation engaging women and men in fuller self-awareness and soul expression in life, urging us inexorably to a deeper embodiment of Heaven on Earth. Of increasing interest to astrologers, the Black Moon has been used for decades in Europe, but there is little written in English about this enigmatic female figure and subtle...
Named for an ancient female figure of primordial mystery, Black Moon Lilith is an astronomical point intimately connected to the Earth-Moon system. In...
Have fun coloring astronomical gods and goddesses from the Sun out to remote Sedna and undiscovered Planet 9 Astronomers are discovering more and more planetoids in the far reaches of our solar system. These new distant neighbors are being named for lesser-known gods and goddesses from around the world. Most familiar planets have names from Greek and Roman mythology. New ones are from Hawai'i, India and Lithuania, from the Intuit, Etruscan, Rapa Nui, Tongva, Wayu'u and Iroquois peoples, and even from J.R.R. Tolkien's pre-history of Middle Earth before hobbits. This book contains 28...
Have fun coloring astronomical gods and goddesses from the Sun out to remote Sedna and undiscovered Planet 9 Astronomers are discovering more and ...