Burrow inside an emotional abuser's head and find out why I... * am so charming one minute and a raging manic the next * blame you for everything * must stay in control all the time * belittle your feelings, opinions, or your accomplishments * try to punish you * never seem to support you * cut you down in front of friends and family * can't stop my behavior even if I wanted to * cause you to walk on eggshells around me * am angry so much of the time * don't provide your emotional needs * can't admit when I am wrong * expect so much of you * can't accept the word No Go on a revealing, first...
Burrow inside an emotional abuser's head and find out why I... * am so charming one minute and a raging manic the next * blame you for everything * mu...
Burrow inside an emotional abuser's head and find out why I... * am so charming one minute and a raging manic the next * blame you for everything * must stay in control all the time * belittle your feelings, opinions, or your accomplishments * try to punish you * never seem to support you * cut you down in front of friends and family * can't stop my behavior even if I wanted to * cause you to walk on eggshells around me * am angry so much of the time * don't provide your emotional needs * can't admit when I am wrong * expect so much...
Burrow inside an emotional abuser's head and find out why I... * am so charming one minute and a raging manic the next * blame you for ...