The Littler Angel is the story of a baby angel created by God and her first day in Heaven. Narrated by 8 year old boy Vinnie, it is meant to be shared by a grandparent or parent with a child. The story shows a higher purpose to life on Earth and a comforting vision of the hereafter. The story begins with God placing stars in the firmament when He decides to create a new angel. He blinks and a baby angel appears. The baby angel is so overwhelmed by the magnificence of God, Heaven and life itself that she starts to speak. But though her lips move quickly together, at first, no words come out of...
The Littler Angel is the story of a baby angel created by God and her first day in Heaven. Narrated by 8 year old boy Vinnie, it is meant to be shared...
Reassessing the 1930s South is a collection of essays by art critics, historians, and literary scholars that seek to move beyond the overused stereotypes of the region during the Great Depression. Much of American popular culture depicts the 1930s South as a region that was either inhabited by a population that was intellectually, morally, and physically stunted or a place that was abnormally isolated from the rest of the nation. Its residents, according to the first version of this stereotype, were so beaten down by decades of insurmountable deprivation that they dragged down an...
Reassessing the 1930s South is a collection of essays by art critics, historians, and literary scholars that seek to move beyond the overused s...
Allen W. Trelease's White Terror, originally published in 1971, was the first scholarly history of the Ku Klux Klan in the South during Reconstruction. With its research rooted in primary sources, it remains among the most comprehensive treatments of the subject. In addition to the Klan, Trelease discusses other night-riding groups, including the Ghouls, the White Brotherhood, and the Knights of the White Camellia. He treats the entire South state by state, details the close link between the Klan and the Democratic party, and recounts Republican efforts to resist the Klan. Winner of the...
Allen W. Trelease's White Terror, originally published in 1971, was the first scholarly history of the Ku Klux Klan in the South during Reconstruction...