My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. The two books of Samuel continue the nation's history up to the life of King David.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. In this volume, we follow the often sad story of the progress of Hebrew kings after David, but we do also find some heroes in the story.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. The writer of the books in this volume put his own spin on the nation's history, sometimes dramatically.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. In this volume, we begin our reading of the Old Testament prophets by stepping away from the printed order, and looking at three of the earliest prophets.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. Now that we've been introduced to the Old Testament prophets, it's time to tackle the largest prophetic book - that mini-library that is the book of Isaiah.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. The prophet Jeremiah anticipates the ministry of Jesus in several ways, not least his undeserved suffering and his prophecy of the New Covenant.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. Ezekiel is the strangest of the Old Testament prophets, but he adds ideas and convictions to what the others cover, so he's worth studying.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. To read Daniel, we have to get used to the conventions of apocalyptic literature; but it's essential that we do so, because of the very heavy use which Jesus made of this book, especially of Chapter 7.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. In the old scrolls, the twelve shortest prophetic books made up a single volume. We've already looked at three of them, as an introduction to the prophets, and now we look at the remaining nine.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's own journey through the Bible. Although Job can lay claim to be one of the ancient world's great pieces of literature, most people don't find it an easy read, and this book aims to help.
My Bible Walkthrough series arose from a 'through the Bible in a year' course which I had led. Each volume is designed as a companion to the reader's ...