1m, 3f / Dramatic Comedy Willi is the trailer trash housewife of the title, not necessarily of her own volition. Her abusive husband won't let her get a job, one of her children is dead, and the other is verboten by her husband because he's gay. Her best and only friend, a large black woman who lives next door, worries about her constantly, always concerned that Willi's husband will end up killing her. A new woman comes to live in the trailer park and ends up having an affair with Willi's husband. When she finds out, Willi decides to get a job at the local Wal-Mart (a first step on the way to...
1m, 3f / Dramatic Comedy Willi is the trailer trash housewife of the title, not necessarily of her own volition. Her abusive husband won't let her get...
Holiday Musical Comedy / Characters: 7m, 6f / Simple Set Judy Garland is primed for her biggest comeback ever - the dazzling star of her own TV special, broadcast live on Christmas Eve, 1959. Judy's guests include Bing Crosby (making some holiday "grog"), Ethel Merman (plugging her Hawaiian album), and Liberace (with a handsome sailor in tow). However, mysterious snafus behind the scenes and cameo appearances by commie-baiting Vice President Richard Nixon (who performs a magic act) and blacklisted writer, Lillian Hellman, (who's forced to read "Children's Letter to Santa" with a puppet) throw...
Holiday Musical Comedy / Characters: 7m, 6f / Simple Set Judy Garland is primed for her biggest comeback ever - the dazzling star of her own TV specia...