The idea that games can have positive impacts upon critical thinking and problem solving is widely accepted in today's digital society, yet the effect of video games on human cognition is still largely unexplored. Gaming and Cognition: Theories And Practice From The Learning Sciences applies the principles of research in the study of human cognition to video games, providing a critical examination of the rigor and design of the experiments in the study of cognition and gaming. Combining many aspects of the learning sciences such as psychology, instructional design, and education into one...
The idea that games can have positive impacts upon critical thinking and problem solving is widely accepted in today's digital society, yet the effect...
Mes travaux visent A mieux comprendre cet objet complexe qu''est la dynamique des instruments de gestion. Mes recherches ont progressA(c) selon trois temps complA(c)mentaires. Tout d''abord, j''ai analysA(c) la maniA]re dont les instruments de gestion se construisent. Cette premiA]re sA(c)rie de travaux m''a permis d''aboutir A la proposition thA(c)orique: les instruments de gestion sont des chaA(R)nes de traductions reliA(c)es par des rapports de prescription. Dans une seconde sA(c)rie de travaux, j''ai testA(c) cette proposition thA(c)orique sur un instrument de rA(c)munA(c)ration des...
Mes travaux visent A mieux comprendre cet objet complexe qu''est la dynamique des instruments de gestion. Mes recherches ont progressA(c) selon trois ...