After 17 years of private practice as a cardiovascular surgeon, my partners qu- tionedtherationalityofmydecisiontoleavetheclinicalpracticebehindandbecome acardiovascular pathologist. Infact, theirdisbeliefofmyintentiontomakethe leap of faith was understandable. For a surgeon, the operating room is where the action is. It is as simple as that. And when a cardiac surgeon can hold in his hand a beating heart, now off-bypass and improved by an operation just completed, satisfaction is real and profound. However, life is complex. Throughout my surgical career, questions regarding the pathogenesis...
After 17 years of private practice as a cardiovascular surgeon, my partners qu- tionedtherationalityofmydecisiontoleavetheclinicalpracticebehindandbec...
This guide offers pathologists the latest in how to deal, at the time of autopsy, with the anatomic complexity of a heart that has undergone previous surgery, irrespective of how recent or remote that surgery occurred. It includes over 90 color illustrations.
This guide offers pathologists the latest in how to deal, at the time of autopsy, with the anatomic complexity of a heart that has undergone previous ...