Moving Forward on My Journey "sdrawkcaB" (Backwards) This book is an imaginative depiction of the trials and tribulations of African Americans, pre civil rights and the constantant post civil rights struggle to be accepted as equal to all other races. Dr. Nikki Giovanni, a best selling author says this author is "strong and original, her work should be shared with everyone."
Moving Forward on My Journey "sdrawkcaB" (Backwards) This book is an imaginative depiction of the trials and tribulations of African Americans, pre ci...
Moving Forward on My Journey "sdrawkcaB" (Backwards) This book is an imaginative depiction of the trials and tribulations of African Americans, pre civil rights and the constantant post civil rights struggle to be accepted as equal to all other races. Dr. Nikki Giovanni, a best selling author says this author is "strong and original, her work should be shared with everyone."
Moving Forward on My Journey "sdrawkcaB" (Backwards) This book is an imaginative depiction of the trials and tribulations of African Americans, pre ci...