The authors in this volume analyze spiritual kinship in Europe from the end of the Middle Ages to the Industrial Age. Uniquely comparing Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox views and practices, the chapters look at changes in theological thought over time as well as in social customs related to spiritual kinship, including godparenthood.
The authors in this volume analyze spiritual kinship in Europe from the end of the Middle Ages to the Industrial Age. Uniquely comparing Catholic, Pro...
Italy faced a number of catastrophes in the long sixteenth century. This economic and demographic history follows the consequences of these catastrophes - the action of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse - War, Famine and Plague, all followed by Death.
Italy faced a number of catastrophes in the long sixteenth century. This economic and demographic history follows the consequences of these catastroph...
Hier comme aujourd hui, le parrainage de bapteme et la parente spirituelle qui en decoule constituent dans le monde chretien un systeme d alliances sociales entre familles et individus. Par-dela les motivations religieuses de l institution baptismale, le parrainage est un instrument au service de strategies sociales, economiques et politiques. Depuis une dizaine d annees, les sciences sociales (histoire, anthropologie, sociologie et sciences politiques) ont fait de ce sujet un champ de recherches particulierement dynamique a l echelle internationale. Cet ouvrage collectif reunit des...
Hier comme aujourd hui, le parrainage de bapteme et la parente spirituelle qui en decoule constituent dans le monde chretien un systeme d alliances so...