Unraveling Environmental Disasters provides scientific explanations of the most threatening current and future environmental disasters, including an analysis of ways that the disaster could have been prevented and how the risk of similar disasters can be minimized in the future.
Named a 2014 Outstanding Academic Title by the American Library Association's Choice publication
Treats disasters as complex systems
Provides predictions based upon sound science, such as what the buildup of certain radiant gases in the troposphere will do, or what will...
Unraveling Environmental Disasters provides scientific explanations of the most threatening current and future environmental disasters, incl...
This comprehensive book approaches sustainability from two directions, the reduction of pollution and the maintaining of existing resources, both of which are addressed in a thorough examination of the main chemical processes and their impact. Divided into five sections, each introduced by a leading expert in the field, the book takes the reader through the various types of chemical processes, demonstrating how we must find ways to lower the environmental cost (of both pollution and contributions to climate change) of producing chemicals. Each section consists of several chapters, presenting...
This comprehensive book approaches sustainability from two directions, the reduction of pollution and the maintaining of existing resources, both of w...