This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications COMPUTER AIDED PROOFS IN ANALYSIS is based on the proceedings of an IMA Participating Institutions (PI) Conference held at the University of Cincinnati in April 1989. Each year the 19 Participating Institutions select, through a competitive process, several conferences proposals from the PIs, for partial funding. This conference brought together leading figures in a number of fields who were interested in finding exact answers to problems in analysis through computer methods. We thank Kenneth Meyer and Dieter Schmidt for organizing the...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications COMPUTER AIDED PROOFS IN ANALYSIS is based on the proceedings of an IMA Participating Institutions...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications TWIST MAPPINGS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS is based on the proceedings of a workshop which was an integral part of the 1989- 90 IMA program on "Dynamical Systems and their Applications." The workshop brought together many of the leading figures in the modern study of twist maps. We thank Shui-Nee Chow, Martin Golubitsky, Richard McGehee, Ken Meyer, Jiirgen Moser, Clark Robinson, George R. Sell, and Eduard Zehnder for organizing the meeting and, especially, Richard McGehee and Ken Meyer for editing the volume. A vner Friedman Willard Miller, Jr....
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications TWIST MAPPINGS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS is based on the proceedings of a workshop which was an integ...