You sign up for a penpal through a program at school. When your friends start receiving interesting letters from kids your age from around the globe, youre disappointed to receive strange messages that dont make too much sense. Eventually you start to think your penpal is funnyjust a little bit different. Then you receive a message: your penpal is coming to visit. And hes not a normal kid after all. Hes a zombie.
You sign up for a penpal through a program at school. When your friends start receiving interesting letters from kids your age from around the globe, ...
Ever since your parents disappeared mysteriously in the Caribbean, you have lived with your wealthy Uncle Morgan in his gothic mansion. Morgan is a writer and world traveler, and every day with him has been exciting. The adventure of life with Morgan changes when he, too, vanishes leaving behind just one clue: a dagger stabbed into the floor of his study, with a bloodied handle. Morgans life is full of mysteries, and youll need to figure out who to trust and who is an enemy as you search for your only living relative.
Ever since your parents disappeared mysteriously in the Caribbean, you have lived with your wealthy Uncle Morgan in his gothic mansion. Morgan is a wr...