I realized many years ago that unless America made drastic changes in its relationship with God the country would be headed for a powerful fall from grace. Too long have Americans defied the commandments of our Creator; we have been living on a razor's edge, and in all reality, I feel that the end of America's greatness is immediately before us if the drastic changes are not made. Since God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, it makes clear sense to me that America would suffer the same fate as did the other nations before us that defied God; therefore, it is my sincere hope that...
I realized many years ago that unless America made drastic changes in its relationship with God the country would be headed for a powerful fall from g...
The book A Defiant Nation entails the resolution for America to get right with God before it is destroyed for its sinfulness. People of America are turning away from God on a continuous basis, and I believe this is the reason Americans are faced with so many difficult unsolvable problems, and the problems are getting worse by the year!
The book A Defiant Nation entails the resolution for America to get right with God before it is destroyed for its sinfulness. People of America are...