A beautiful, heartrending story is set to unfold as a small family, broken apart by circumstance and consequence, struggles to reunite across time. Mina, already a mother at a young age, leaves her children to escape her husband's relentless beating. Tanika and Kai grow up under their grandmother's care and adherence to the old ways of the Estelusti, hating their father and longing for their mother. As time sweeps change over all, South and West collide, new ways try old customs, and the metropolitan encroaches imposingly on the rural. Everyone must dance to destiny's dance and listen to the...
A beautiful, heartrending story is set to unfold as a small family, broken apart by circumstance and consequence, struggles to reunite across time. Mi...
A beautiful, heartrending story is set to unfold as a small family, broken apart by circumstance and consequence, struggles to reunite across time. Mina, already a mother at a young age, leaves her children to escape her husband's relentless beating. Tanika and Kai grow up under their grandmother's care and adherence to the old ways of the Estelusti, hating their father and longing for their mother. As time sweeps change over all, South and West collide, new ways try old customs, and the metropolitan encroaches imposingly on the rural. Everyone must dance to destiny's dance and listen to the...
A beautiful, heartrending story is set to unfold as a small family, broken apart by circumstance and consequence, struggles to reunite across time. Mi...