Readers for Teens provide engaging fictional stories with important themes for young learners of American English. One summer, Sofia, her brother, and two friends work as Junior Zookeepers at the local zoo. They all learn a lot about the animals and the zoo. For her final project as a Junior Zookeeper, Sofia helps with the Zoo Parents Program. It's a great success This reader is about 1900 words long.
Readers for Teens provide engaging fictional stories with important themes for young learners of American English. One summer, Sofia, her brother, and...
Readers for Teens provide engaging fictional stories with important themes for young learners of American English. Diego's birthday is tomorrow and he has one thing left to do on his list of Twelve Things to Do at Age 12. He has to help someone not a member of his family. He sees his neighbors, Emma and Hee Soon, chasing after a dog. He helps them catch the dog. His list is complete This reader is about 1600 words long."
Readers for Teens provide engaging fictional stories with important themes for young learners of American English. Diego's birthday is tomorrow and he...