21 Dias para Seguir Jesus Radicalmente Estou convicto, tanto em minha mente quanto em meu coracao, que antes de Jesus voltar, ainda veremos uma grande colheita de almas e, tambem, muitos cristaos vivendo um estilo de vida crista "radical." Esses parecerao discipulos radicais, principalmente aos olhos dos tantos cristaos que vivem uma vida crista mediocre, todavia, mensurados pelo padrao biblico, nada passara do estilo de vida "normal" para um discipulo de Jesus."
21 Dias para Seguir Jesus Radicalmente Estou convicto, tanto em minha mente quanto em meu coracao, que antes de Jesus voltar, ainda veremos uma grande...
In my opinion, the New Covenant is one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Church today. Many years ago, I wrote a blog about it and triggered reactions I never expected in my wildest dreams. Some of the reactions were very strong and aggressive and did not come from unbelievers but from well-meaning Christians, church leaders, and pastors. Generally speaking, there has been a mixture of the Old and New Covenants in the lives of Christians. Throughout most of church history, in belief and practice, the Church mixed these two Covenants, which greatly limited the expression of the life...
In my opinion, the New Covenant is one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Church today. Many years ago, I wrote a blog about it and triggered r...