This study documents the high rate of parent and family concerns among the families of adolescents (ages 11-18) entering publicly-funded outpatient mental health treatment in San Diego County, and examines the effects of treatment on family contextual concerns. Significant improvements are observed in caregiver strain and family relationship quality six months after treatment entry, but not in other family contextual outcomes (parental depression, social support). Parent, family, and adolescent outcomes are significantly correlated, with the strongest association between reduction of youth...
This study documents the high rate of parent and family concerns among the families of adolescents (ages 11-18) entering publicly-funded outpatient me...
This workshop is focused on a school-based group intervention for children who have difficulty controlling their anger and aggressive behavior. Dr. Lochman describes the research supporting his group-based program for children with aggression problems. He and Dr. Boxmeyer give a session by session review of how to conduct Coping Power. They also demonstrate techniques for Coping Power using case examples, videos, and role-plays. Techniques described include teaching children how to identify feelings, solve problems, accomplish goals, and more. Lastly, Dr. Lochman describes how to implement...
This workshop is focused on a school-based group intervention for children who have difficulty controlling their anger and aggressive behavior. Dr. Lo...