Demonstrating the contested and differentiated nature of childhood and youth embodiment, this bookresponds to political and media discourses that stigmatise 'unruly' youthful bodies, by combining the critical analysis of imagined and disciplined youthful bodies with a focus on young people's lived and performed, embodied subjectivities."
Demonstrating the contested and differentiated nature of childhood and youth embodiment, this bookresponds to political and media discourses that stig...
There is considerable rhetoric and concern about weight and obesity across an increasing range of national contexts. Alarmist claims about an obesity time-bomb are continually recycled in policy reports, reviews and white papers, each of which begin with the assumption that fatness is fundamentally unhealthy and damaging to national economies. With contributions from the UK, Canada, the USA and Australia, this book offers alternative critical perspectives on this alleged public health crisis which were, in part, developed through an Economic and Social Research Council seminar series on...
There is considerable rhetoric and concern about weight and obesity across an increasing range of national contexts. Alarmist claims about an obesi...