Controversial, provocative and poignantly humorous, American artist Andrea Fraser (born 1965) is one of the most influential and pioneering figures of her generation and has been captivating a devoted audience for more than 30 years. She employs a wide range of media, including prints, photographs, installations and performances as well as texts and videos, time and again reformulating the same fundamental questions: what do we want from art, how do we view it and how does the art market distribute it? This richly illustrated catalogue presents a full overview of the artist's career for...
Controversial, provocative and poignantly humorous, American artist Andrea Fraser (born 1965) is one of the most influential and pioneering figures of...
UC Berkeley Arts + Design: Inaugural Showcase 2016 gathers outstanding creative work by UC Berkeley undergraduate students with stunning texts and images on nearly every page. From the visual arts to film to the performing arts, from the literary arts to architectural and industrial design, the UC Berkeley Arts + Design: Inaugural Showcase 2016 features the achievements of top students in their respective fields. These works demonstrate the discipline of particular art forms--painting, theater, poetry--as well as the vibrant 'mash-up' of cross-disciplinary experiment. Described in the...
UC Berkeley Arts + Design: Inaugural Showcase 2016 gathers outstanding creative work by UC Berkeley undergraduate students with stunning texts and ...