A novel within a novel, based on two very different premises. Both are expressed through the irrepressible Tommy Callaghan, an eighty-year-old Australian, who has just won two Oscars for his screenplay and direction of the film Miwako and who is feted on the Fran Winfield television show. Fran announces to the world that she has pulled off an exclusive: Tommy will read extracts from his book, Miwako, the tragic story of an asylum seeker, from which he'd adapted his screenplay, on the show daily from his home via satellite. Tommy is often assisted, uninvited, by his eccentric artist wife.
A novel within a novel, based on two very different premises. Both are expressed through the irrepressible Tommy Callaghan, an eighty-year-old Austral...
Master Control is a true hybrid: a satirical, social commentary driven by a sci-fi and spiritual theme, devoid of violence and proposing an unorthodox view on sexual relationships. The novel's motivation is the conviction that we are all guided or misguided, led or misled, by a power beyond our intellectual comprehension.
Master Control is a true hybrid: a satirical, social commentary driven by a sci-fi and spiritual theme, devoid of violence and proposing an unorthodox...
During the blitz on London in 1941, a sailor on leave couldn't wait to get back to his ship. "At least there," he said, "you can fire back at an enemy, but poor bloody civilians just have to sit and take it." Throughout WW2, some 65,000 English civilians died from German bombing of one type or another. Twice that number were injured and thousands suffered psychological trauma. This book is a fictionalized account of the experiences of one young civilian and his family during that period.
During the blitz on London in 1941, a sailor on leave couldn't wait to get back to his ship. "At least there," he said, "you can fire back at an enemy...