Attempts have been made by researchers to develop an explanation of violent conflict. Specifically, attempts to link environmental scarcity to violent conflict have gone through three generations of scholarship. Although findings have led to new insights in our understanding, a direct correlation between them is yet to be established. This research draws on findings linking theory of violent conflict to cases in three Kenyan provinces with a view to further develop this new understanding. The first part of the book discusses relevant theories about sources and dynamics of conflicts. The...
Attempts have been made by researchers to develop an explanation of violent conflict. Specifically, attempts to link environmental scarcity to violent...
This handbook offers a critical assessment of the African agenda for conflict prevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding; In so doing, it revisits the late Ali Mazrui's concept of Pax Africana, calling on Africans to take responsibility for peace and security on their own continent.
This handbook offers a critical assessment of the African agenda for conflict prevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding; In so doing, i...