Advances in Geosciences is the result of a concerted effort to bring together the latest results and planning activities related to earth and space science in Asia and the international arena. The volume editors are all leading scientists in their research fields covering six sections: Atmospheric Science (AS), Hydrological Science (HS), Ocean Science (OS), Solid Earth (SE), Solar Terrestrial (ST) and Planetary Science (PS). The main purpose is to highlight the scientific issues essential to the study of earthquakes, tsunamis, atmospheric dust storms, climate change, drought, flood, typhoons,...
Advances in Geosciences is the result of a concerted effort to bring together the latest results and planning activities related to earth and space sc...
It has been widely accepted that human influenced emission of green house gases are largely responsible for the climate change which we are experiencing currently. To produce detail information as a guide line for long term future climate change evolution arising from global warming, a projection approach is generally adopted to study the changes in regional climate. Regional climate modeling, as a part of down scaling techniques, to enhance the regional details due to geographical forcing is a very useful technique for over coming insufficient aspects of the GCMs such as narrow mountain...
It has been widely accepted that human influenced emission of green house gases are largely responsible for the climate change which we are experienci...