My Way to Lithium-Ion Batteries Yoshio Nishi I have been engaged in research and development (R&D) on novel materials for electronic appliances for 40 years since I joined Sony Corporation in 1966. I started my scientific career in Sony as a researcher of zinc-air batteries. After 8 years in R&D on electrochemistry, my research field was shifted against my will to el- troacoustic materials, specifically diaphragm materials for electroacoustic tra- ducers including loudspeakers, headphones, and microphones. My R&D work also extended to cabinet materials for speaker systems. This about-face was...
My Way to Lithium-Ion Batteries Yoshio Nishi I have been engaged in research and development (R&D) on novel materials for electronic appliances for 40...
My Way to Lithium-Ion Batteries Yoshio Nishi I have been engaged in research and development (R&D) on novel materials for electronic appliances for 40 years since I joined Sony Corporation in 1966. I started my scientific career in Sony as a researcher of zinc-air batteries. After 8 years in R&D on electrochemistry, my research field was shifted against my will to el- troacoustic materials, specifically diaphragm materials for electroacoustic tra- ducers including loudspeakers, headphones, and microphones. My R&D work also extended to cabinet materials for speaker systems. This about-face was...
My Way to Lithium-Ion Batteries Yoshio Nishi I have been engaged in research and development (R&D) on novel materials for electronic appliances for 40...