Das Buch vermittelt einen Einstieg in die Software-Entwicklung von Telematikdiensten mit einem Eclipse-Plugin fur das Common Service Framework (Open Source). Ziel ist es, Nutzer dazu zu befahigen, internetbasierte Telematikdienste selbst zu programmieren. Begleitend zum Buch steht ein Internetportal bereit, wo Beispielapplikationen demonstriert, getestet oder weiter entwickelt werden konnen. Es gibt des Weiteren Einblick in die Hintergrunde und die weltweiten Zukunftsentwicklungen auf dem rasant anwachsenden Gebiet der Telematikdienste.
Das Buch vermittelt einen Einstieg in die Software-Entwicklung von Telematikdiensten mit einem Eclipse-Plugin fur das Common Service Framework (Ope...
This book is an outcome of the 36th International Conference EnviroInfo 2022, held at the University of Hamburg, Germany, organized by the technical committee for Environmental Informatics of the German Informatics Society. It presents a selection of papers that describe innovative scientific approaches and ongoing research in environmental informatics and the emerging field of environmental sustainability, promoted and facilitated by the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The respective articles cover a broad range of scientific aspects including advancements in core...
This book is an outcome of the 36th International Conference EnviroInfo 2022, held at the University of Hamburg, Germany, organized by the technical c...
This book is an outcome of the 35th International Conference EnviroInfo 2021, held at Humboldt University Berlin, organized by the technical committee for Environmental Informatics of the German Informatics Society. It presents a selection of papers that describe innovative scientific approaches and ongoing research in environmental informatics and the emerging field of environmental sustainability, promoted and facilitated by the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The respective articles cover a broad range of scientific aspects including advances in core environmental...
This book is an outcome of the 35th International Conference EnviroInfo 2021, held at Humboldt University Berlin, organized by the technical committee...