Please, do not trust this book more than your doctor The ancient tradition of astrology is another way of looking at ourselves than the methods developed by modern natural science. It cannot substitute science any more than science can incorporate astrology. The best use you can have of this introduction to medical astrology is as an alternative perspective on your health. By examining your horoscope you shed light on the complexity of living your life in ways that agree with you the most. Learn how your health is described by the Zodiac signs, the movements of the planets, their aspects,...
Please, do not trust this book more than your doctor The ancient tradition of astrology is another way of looking at ourselves than the methods devel...
Aikibatto is a system of sword and staff exercises for aikido students, as well as for anyone interested in the Japanese martial arts. This book presents the basics and principles of the sophisticated sword arts developed by the Japanese warrior aristocracy, the samurai. Although the aikibatto exercises are primarily developed for aikido students, they contain much of the normal curriculum of traditional iaido and kenjutsu. Anyone interested in the arts of the katana, the formidable Japanese sword, will find much of value in this book. Stefan Stenudd is a 6 dan Aikikai Swedish aikido...
Aikibatto is a system of sword and staff exercises for aikido students, as well as for anyone interested in the Japanese martial arts. This book prese...
For the first time: an aikido book that focuses on the attack techniques! Although aikido is a purely defensive martial art, attack techniques need to be practiced in order for the training partners to exercise the defense against them. And for the aikido skills to increase, the attacking skills must improve accordingly.
This book presents all the attacks practiced in aikido - grips as well as strikes, punches, and kicks. Also attacks with a sword, a stick, and a knife are included. Each of these attack techniques is examined in depth, with lots of advice and pointers for beginners as well...
For the first time: an aikido book that focuses on the attack techniques! Although aikido is a purely defensive martial art, attack techniques need to...
Qi is the Chinese word for life energy, also spelled chi or ki. It is the essence used in acupuncture, qigong and taiji, as well as many other traditional arts in China and Japan. Its western counterpart is the spirit, or inspiration. This book explains how qi works, and presents several very easy exercises by which you can cultivate and increase it within yourself. It is not difficult at all, and the result will invigorate you beyond your expectations. So, give it a try. Stefan Stenudd is a high grade instructor of the peaceful and spiritual martial art aikido, since more than 35 years....
Qi is the Chinese word for life energy, also spelled chi or ki. It is the essence used in acupuncture, qigong and taiji, as well as many other traditi...
We should be very careful, when trying to scrutinize our cosmos. Who knows, if we succeed, if we have a major breakthrough, we might just blow it all. Like a soap bubble, when touched by the fingertip of a curious child. Maybe that is what it's about. To blow it all. The meaning of life. So, occasionally I contemplate murder ... Stefan Stenudd is a Swedish author, artist, historian of ideas, and instructor in the peaceful martial art aikido. In this book, he lets his thoughts wander through questions about life, death, and the meaning of it all. This book was previously published with the...
We should be very careful, when trying to scrutinize our cosmos. Who knows, if we succeed, if we have a major breakthrough, we might just blow it all....
Tao Te Ching is the 2,500 years old source to Taoism, written by the legendary Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu. In 81 short chapters, he presented the world according to Tao, the Way, and how mankind should adapt to it. The book has become one of the foremost world classics of wisdom - maybe even more relevant today, than it was to Lao Tzu's contemporaries. This translation of the text focuses on the clarity and simplicity by which Lao Tzu expresses his fascinating cosmology and profound ethics. Except for a short foreword by the translator, Lao Tzu's text is uncommented in this edition, allowing...
Tao Te Ching is the 2,500 years old source to Taoism, written by the legendary Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu. In 81 short chapters, he presented the worl...
Tarot is the extended deck of cards used for divination, dating back to the Renaissance. It works by images, as do humans. We are creatures of imagination. Reading the Tarot cards is essentially done by processing the images in our imagination. This book presents the Tarot and explains how it's used in divination. But the main purpose of the book is to tickle the reader's imagination into going on the spiritual quest induced by imagery. See the Tarot card pictures come alive as other pictures emerge from your mind to meet and transform them. You may find that the world will never look the...
Tarot is the extended deck of cards used for divination, dating back to the Renaissance. It works by images, as do humans. We are creatures of imagina...
Aikido wird gern die friedliche Kampfkunst genannt. Ihre Verteidigungstechniken sollten so sanft sein, dass auch der Angreifer seine Freude an ihnen hat. Es gibt keinen Wettkampf und keine Verlierer, beide Teilnehmer sollten sich als Gewinner fuhlen. Diese Kunst zu lernen, dauert ein Leben lang und genauso lange halt die Faszination an. Dieses Buch stellt die Prinzipen und Grundideen von Aikido dar - tief verwurzelt in der ostlichen Philosophie und den Idealen der Samurai. Es erkundet die im Aikido wirkenden japanischen Traditionen und Grundlagen von Kampfkunsten. Stefan Stenudd macht seit...
Aikido wird gern die friedliche Kampfkunst genannt. Ihre Verteidigungstechniken sollten so sanft sein, dass auch der Angreifer seine Freude an ihnen h...