Digital tools are increasingly used in media studies, opening up new perspectives for research and analysis, while creating new problems at the same time. In this volume, international media scholars and computer scientists present their projects, varying from powerful film-historical databases to automatic video analysis software, discussing their application of digital tools and reporting on their results. This book is the first publication of its kind and a helpful guide to both media scholars and computer scientists who intend to use digital tools in their research, providing information...
Digital tools are increasingly used in media studies, opening up new perspectives for research and analysis, while creating new problems at the same t...
These Proceedings report the scientific results of an International Workshop on Large-Scale Modelling and Interactive Decision Analysis organized Jointly by the System and Decision Sciences Program of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA, located in Laxenburg, Austria), and the Institute for Informatics of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR (located in Berlin, GDR). The Workshop was held at a historically well-known place - the Wartburg Castl- near Eisenach (GDR). (Here Martin Luther translated the Bible into German.) More than fifty scientists representing thirteen...
These Proceedings report the scientific results of an International Workshop on Large-Scale Modelling and Interactive Decision Analysis organized Join...
This special volume contains the Proceedings of a Workshop on "Parallel Algorithms and Transputers for Optimization" which was held at the University of Siegen, on November 9, 1990. The purpose of the Workshop was to bring together those doing research on 2.lgorithms for parallel and distributed optimization and those representatives from industry and business who have an increasing demand for computing power and who may be the potential users of nonsequential approaches. In contrast to many other conferences, especially North-American, on parallel processing and supercomputers the main focus...
This special volume contains the Proceedings of a Workshop on "Parallel Algorithms and Transputers for Optimization" which was held at the University ...
Das sehr vielgestaltige Gebiet Multimedia wird aus der Sicht der Nutzung in Informationssystemen von Unternehmen und offentlichen Verwaltungen dargestellt. Dabei ist es Ziel des Buches, eine Kosten-Nutzen-Perspektive der multimedialen Informationstechnologien zu geben. Behandelt werden die Grundlagen, der Entwurf und die Entwicklung multimedialer Systeme. Der Einsatz und Nutzen multimedialer Anwendungen wird zur Prasentation des Firmenimage, erklarungsbedurftiger Produkte, elektronischer Kataloge fur Konsumguter, Investitionsguter, immaterieller Guter, wie Software- und Beratungsleistungen...
Das sehr vielgestaltige Gebiet Multimedia wird aus der Sicht der Nutzung in Informationssystemen von Unternehmen und offentlichen Verwaltungen dargest...