Shaving Without a Razor is the thrilling debut novel by actor Terry Gavin. Set in the midst of opulent wealth and excess, Chris McDermott returns to his childhood home for his thirty-second birthday, his brother's wedding, and to die, for this Wunderkind of corporate finance can no longer outrun the frightening events that ensued seven years prior. Chris' three day journey becomes nothing less than a dizzying dash to the bottom as he encounters a brother's betrayal, child pornography, male prostitution, and his best friend's impending death. This novel takes the reader on a wild ride through...
Shaving Without a Razor is the thrilling debut novel by actor Terry Gavin. Set in the midst of opulent wealth and excess, Chris McDermott returns to h...
Shaving Without a Razor is the thrilling debut novel by actor Terry Gavin. Set in the midst of opulent wealth and excess, Chris McDermott returns to his childhood home for his thirty-second birthday, his brother's wedding, and to die, for this Wunderkind of corporate finance can no longer outrun the frightening events that ensued seven years prior. Chris' three day journey becomes nothing less than a dizzying dash to the bottom as he encounters a brother's betrayal, child pornography, male prostitution, and his best friend's impending death. This novel takes the reader on a wild ride through...
Shaving Without a Razor is the thrilling debut novel by actor Terry Gavin. Set in the midst of opulent wealth and excess, Chris McDermott returns to h...
Three kids. Three best friends who spent a large portion of their lives together, who promised each other that the three of them would always come first and the world second. It s their college graduation day from the University of Wisconsin, and Zach, Kevin, and Mike reminisce and reflect on their past how they navigated through childhood to adulthood.
Growing up in Milwaukee, the three recall the indestructibility of youth, their families, blind ambition, youthful indiscretions, and illegal smiles. This graduation day is to be the prelude to the rest of their lives. And their lives do...
Three kids. Three best friends who spent a large portion of their lives together, who promised each other that the three of them would always come fir...
Three kids. Three best friends who spent a large portion of their lives together, who promised each other that the three of them would always come first and the world second. It s their college graduation day from the University of Wisconsin, and Zach, Kevin, and Mike reminisce and reflect on their past how they navigated through childhood to adulthood. Growing up in Milwaukee, the three recall the indestructibility of youth, their families, blind ambition, youthful indiscretions, and illegal smiles. This graduation day is to be the prelude to the rest of their lives. And their lives do...
Three kids. Three best friends who spent a large portion of their lives together, who promised each other that the three of them would always come fir...
In his seductive and poignant new novel, Terry Gavin, the author of "Shaving Without a Razor" and "When Men Are Young," returns to the Midwest, a region whose moral ambivalence he continues to explore. The time is the late eighties. Two teenagers, Mike Warner and Tommy Alvin, are upon a new decade and new lives; their voices envelop readers with the pneumatic backbeat of spirited dialogue and heartwarming circumstance. As Mike takes off one week before his high school graduation, he crosses paths with nineteen-year-old Tommy, a man who dreams of superstardom yet lacks the will to take the...
In his seductive and poignant new novel, Terry Gavin, the author of "Shaving Without a Razor" and "When Men Are Young," returns to the Midwest, a r...