This provocative autobiography offers the perspective of two significant ages in the life of Ann Kronlage. The story begins with the 28 year old author scuba diving where she is compelled to recount eleven years earlier, Easter Sunday, 1976, when the pivotal event of her young life occurred. Physical and emotional hurdles are confronted as the scuba diver struggles to avoid the dangers of the sea and the teenager emerges from the prison of her haunting past.
This provocative autobiography offers the perspective of two significant ages in the life of Ann Kronlage. The story begins with the 28 year old autho...
This provocative autobiography offers the perspective of two significant ages in the life of Ann Kronlage. The story begins with the 28 year old author scuba diving where she is compelled to recount eleven years earlier, Easter Sunday, 1976, when the pivotal event of her young life occurred. Physical and emotional hurdles are confronted as the scuba diver struggles to avoid the dangers of the sea and the teenager emerges from the prison of her haunting past.
This provocative autobiography offers the perspective of two significant ages in the life of Ann Kronlage. The story begins with the 28 year old autho...