Daniel Bensaid's challenging survey comes at an appropriate moment. It is a gift to activists reaching for some historical perspective that may provide hints as to where we might go from here. Embracing and sharing the revolutionary socialist political tradition associated with Leon Trotsky, Bensaid is not simply a thoughtful radical academic or perceptive left-wing intellectual - though he is certainly both - but also one of the foremost leaders of an impressive network of activists, many of them seasoned by innumerable struggles. Daniel Bensaid emerged decades ago as a leader of the French...
Daniel Bensaid's challenging survey comes at an appropriate moment. It is a gift to activists reaching for some historical perspective that may provid...
Work and struggle: voices from U.S. labor radicalism focuses on the history of U.S. labor with an emphasis on radical currents, which have been essential elements in the working-class movement from the mid nineteenth century to the late twentieth century. Showcasing some of labor's most important leaders, Work and Struggle offers students and instructors a variety of voices to learn from -- each telling their story through their own words -- through writings, memoirs and speeches, transcribed and introduced here by Paul Le Blanc. This collection of revolutionary voices will inspire anyone...
Work and struggle: voices from U.S. labor radicalism focuses on the history of U.S. labor with an emphasis on radical currents, which have been essent...
Work and struggle: voices from U.S. labor radicalism focuses on the history of U.S. labor with an emphasis on radical currents, which have been essential elements in the working-class movement from the mid nineteenth century to the late twentieth century. Showcasing some of labor's most important leaders, Work and Struggle offers students and instructors a variety of voices to learn from -- each telling their story through their own words -- through writings, memoirs and speeches, transcribed and introduced here by Paul Le Blanc. This collection of revolutionary voices will inspire anyone...
Work and struggle: voices from U.S. labor radicalism focuses on the history of U.S. labor with an emphasis on radical currents, which have been essent...
While the Civil Rights Movement is remembered for efforts to end segregation and secure the rights of African Americans, the larger economic vision that animated much of the movement is often overlooked today. That vision sought economic justice for every person in the United States, regardless of race. It favored production for social use instead of profit; social ownership; and democratic control over major economic decisions. The document that best captured this vision was the Freedom Budget for All Americans: Budgeting Our Resources, 1966-1975, To Achieve Freedom from Want...
While the Civil Rights Movement is remembered for efforts to end segregation and secure the rights of African Americans, the larger economic vision th...
While the Civil Rights Movement is remembered for efforts to end segregation and secure the rights of African Americans, the larger economic vision that animated much of the movement is often overlooked today. That vision sought economic justice for every person in the United States, regardless of race. It favored production for social use instead of profit; social ownership; and democratic control over major economic decisions. The document that best captured this vision was theFreedom Budget for All Americans: Budgeting Our Resources, 1966-1975, To Achieve Freedom from Wantpublished by the...
While the Civil Rights Movement is remembered for efforts to end segregation and secure the rights of African Americans, the larger economic vision th...
This is the first comprehensive examination of Leon Trotsky's view on revolutionary organizational principles, and the dynamic interplay of democratic initiative and principled centralism. Mostly in his own words, these writings are grounded in Trotsky's experience in Russia's revolutionary movement, as a leader of the International Left Opposition and Fourth International.
This is the first comprehensive examination of Leon Trotsky's view on revolutionary organizational principles, and the dynamic interplay of democra...
For generations, historians of the right, left, and center have all debated the best way to understand V. I. Lenin s role in shaping the Bolshevik party in the years leading up to the Russian Revolution. At their worst, these studies locate his influence in the forcefulness of his personality. At their best, they show how Lenin moved other Bolsheviks through patient argument and political debate. Yet remarkably few have attempted to document the ways his ideas changed, or how they were in turn shaped by the party he played such a central role in building. In this thorough, concise, and...
For generations, historians of the right, left, and center have all debated the best way to understand V. I. Lenin s role in shaping the Bolshevik par...
From Marx to Gramsci offers a readable introduction to the historical contexts, lives, and revolutionary ideas of six central thinkers in the Marxist traditionKarl Marx, Frederick Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, V. I. Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Antonio Gramsci. A clear and well-documented introduction demonstrates how their varied contributions represent a revolutionary Marxist synthesis, providing an understanding of capitalist development, a theory of the labor movement, a strategy for revolution, and a conception of the transition to socialism. The bulk of the volume provides a representative...
From Marx to Gramsci offers a readable introduction to the historical contexts, lives, and revolutionary ideas of six central thinkers in the M...
Noting that standard accounts of U.S. history often pay little attention to the working class, labor historian Paul Le Blanc presents a colorful, fact-filled history that concentrates on the struggles and achievements of that often-neglected laboring majority. Employing a blend of economic, social, and political history, Le Blanc shows how important labor issues have been and continue to be in the forging of our nation s history. Within a broad analytical framework he highlights issues of class, gender, race, and ethnicity, and includes the views of key figures of U.S. labor, including Cesar...
Noting that standard accounts of U.S. history often pay little attention to the working class, labor historian Paul Le Blanc presents a colorful, fact...
Rosa Luxemburg s theoretical masterpiece The second volume in Rosa Luxemburg s Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 2, contains a new English translation of Luxemburg s The Accumulation of Capital: A Contribution to the Economic Theory of Imperialism, one of the most important works ever composed on capitalism s incessant drive for self-expansion and the integral connection between capitalism and imperialism. This new translation is the first to present the full work as composed by the author. It also contains her book-length response to her critics,...
Rosa Luxemburg s theoretical masterpiece The second volume in Rosa Luxemburg s Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 2, ...