"Belladonna" is a fictional novel about greed, corruption, inter-familial struggles, deep psychosis, poisonings, and murder intersecting with loyalty, enduring friendship, solid investigational analysis plus an intriguing actual event. Most of the plotline takes place in the present but a substantial part of the denouement harkens back to the historically accurate sinking of a British Man-o-War off the coast of Montauk, New York, during the Revolutionary War year of 1781. A previously unknown treasure is stolen from the wreck by three defecting sailors who promptly disappear into the mists of...
"Belladonna" is a fictional novel about greed, corruption, inter-familial struggles, deep psychosis, poisonings, and murder intersecting with loyalty,...
An Al Qaeda cell emerges from an abandoned military base ready to commit another horrific act of terrorism, this time in the rich and famous Hamptons. The terrorists have been hired and funded by an eccentric billionaire whose purposes are to usurp a real estate and gambling empire he could not obtain by legitimate means, but below the dark surface of his sordid life lie more sinister motives of revenge and redemption. A sadistic murder starts the events in Animus cascading and it brings in James Griffin, the local Chief of Detectives. He is a cop's cop, forged by service in Vietnam, Ivy...
An Al Qaeda cell emerges from an abandoned military base ready to commit another horrific act of terrorism, this time in the rich and famous Hamptons....