This book will take readers to see peace under a new light, and will inspire them to take action. It contains a step-by-step guide on how to bring Silent Peace Walks to life. If you have been wanting to do something to bring more peace to the world but have not yet found what to do, this book is for you. The Silent Peace Walk is an effective way to contribute to peace. It's easy, and anyone can do it. All you have to do is to walk in silence mindfully, and experience peace within and around you. By doing so, you will grow your reserves of inner peace, which will help you bring more peace to...
This book will take readers to see peace under a new light, and will inspire them to take action. It contains a step-by-step guide on how to bring Sil...
Do you feel that you need to take some time off to make an assessment of your life and seriously ponder, "What is calling me? Who am I meant to be?" If you want to put yourself in motion to fulfill your life's purpose -- if you are ready to heed your highest calling and follow your bliss -- this book is for you. It will give you useful tools that will help you bring about the life of your dreams. Learn the Peaceful Ways Method of Making Your Wishes Come True. Since the secret to manifest the life of our dreams is to "do what we are," the method begins with authenticity, with knowing ourselves...
Do you feel that you need to take some time off to make an assessment of your life and seriously ponder, "What is calling me? Who am I meant to be?" I...