As the notorious Reva Shayne on the daytime television drama Guiding Light, Kim Zimmer portrayed a vixen, a manic-depressive, an Amish woman, a time traveler, a Civil War belle, a talk show host, a cancer survivor, a loving mother, and a devoted wife. In her more than two decades on the show, she earned eleven Daytime Emmy nominations and four wins, not to mention a legion of loving fans. Now, in this heartfelt memoir, Zimmer delves into her experiences as a daytime diva.
Packed with on- and off-set photographs and behind-the-scenes information, blatantly honest and...
As the notorious Reva Shayne on the daytime television drama Guiding Light, Kim Zimmer portrayed a vixen, a manic-depressive, an Amish woman, ...
This issue of Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, guest edited by Demetra Antimisiaris, PharmD and Laura Morton, MD, CMD, is devoted to Geriatrics. Articles in this comprehensive issue include: Managing Polypharmacy in the 15 Minute Office Visit; Sexuality in the Older Adult; Dementia for the Primary Care Provider; Hormone Replacement: The Fountain of Youth?; Depression in Older Adults; Advance Care Planning in the Outpatient Geriatric Medicine Setting; Pain in the Elderly: ? Identification, Evaluation and Management of the Older Adult with Pain Complaints and Pain-Related Symptoms;?...
This issue of Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, guest edited by Demetra Antimisiaris, PharmD and Laura Morton, MD, CMD, is devoted to Geriatri...