Sam Wagstaff, the legendary curator, collector, and patron of the arts, emerges as a cultural visionary in this groundbreaking biography. Even today remembered primarily as the mentor and lover of Robert Mapplethorpe, the once infamous photographer, Wagstaff, in fact, had an incalculable and largely overlooked influence on the world of contemporary art and photography, and on the evolution of gay identity in the latter part of the twentieth century.
Born in New York City in 1921 into a notable family, Wagstaff followed an arc that was typical of a young man of his class. He attended both...
Sam Wagstaff, the legendary curator, collector, and patron of the arts, emerges as a cultural visionary in this groundbreaking biography. Even today r...
Sam Wagstaff, the legendary curator, collector, and patron of the arts, emerges as a cultural visionary in this groundbreaking biography. Even today remembered primarily as the mentor and lover of Robert Mapplethorpe, the once infamous photographer, Wagstaff, in fact, had an incalculable and largely overlooked influence on the world of contemporary art and photography, and on the evolution of gay identity in the latter part of the twentieth century.
Born in New York City in 1921 into a notable family, Wagstaff followed an arc that was typical of a young man of his class. He attended both...
Sam Wagstaff, the legendary curator, collector, and patron of the arts, emerges as a cultural visionary in this groundbreaking biography. Even today r...
George Dureau: The Photographs is an album of the great photographic portraits made throughout the 40 years of Dureau's artistic career--a New Orleans romance between the photographer and his subjects. All of Dureau's exquisite photographs, many of them nudes of black and disabled men, were made in his studio in the French Quarter of New Orleans, or on the city's streets. He began photography for the pleasure of photographing his lovers, and as research material for his paintings. Only later on did he begin to take his photographs seriously as works of art in their own right. Many of...
George Dureau: The Photographs is an album of the great photographic portraits made throughout the 40 years of Dureau's artistic career--a New ...